What Kind of Work Older Americans Want to Do in 2nd Half of Life

Survey Released in Conjunction with Baby Boomers Guide to Find New Careers


WHAT: Teleconference to release new MetLife Foundation/Civic Ventures New Face of Work survey of 1,000 Americans age 50 to 70, conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International.


The survey release will coincide with the release of a free online 16-page guide (produced by Civic Ventures, funded by MetLife Foundation) designed to help boomers think about new careers — whether full or part time — in the second half of life.


The guide is written by Ellen Freudenheim, author of « Looking Forward: An Optimist’s Guide to Retirement, » a bestselling retirement lifestyle book recommended in The Wall Street Journal.


WHY: Previous surveys have shown that baby boomers plan to work, whether full or part time. The MetLife Foundation/Civic Ventures New Face of Work Survey is the first survey to ask those in their 50s (baby boomers) and 60s (pre-boomers) what type of work they aspire to, what they want to accomplish through this work, and why they want to do it.



— Sibyl Jacobson, president/CEO, MetLife Foundation


— Marc Freedman, president, Civic Ventures, a nonprofit think tank and incubator that works to make the aging of America an asset


— Prof. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School, author, bestselling book: « Confidence: How Winning Streaks & Losing Streaks Begin & End »


— Joyce Roche, former president/COO, Carson Products Company, current president/CEO, Girls, Inc., a national nonprofit youth organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.


— G. Evans Witt, principal/CEO, Princeton Survey Research Associates International, a nationally recognized expert on public opinion, politics and the media.


— Stefanie Weiss, communications director, Civic Ventures (moderator)


HOW: Dial 1-800-311-9401. Passcode: RAND.


WHEN: Thursday, June 16, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. EDT


CONTACT: Sean Crowley, 202-478-6178 or scrowley@mrss.com, Stefanie Weiss 202-478-6151 or sweiss@experiencecorps.org




All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. globalagingtimes.com accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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