USA : Pourquoi est-on mieux à 50 qu’à 30 ans ?

Les Baby Boomers d’aujourd’hui ne se contentent plus d’agir « ;jeune ;» ;: plus de choix impulsifs, des méthodes simples pour paraître jeune…


Vitality Institute :

— ‘’Les règles ont changé, maintenant les plus de 50 ans concourent facilement avec des personnes de 20 et 30 ans’’ dit le Dr. Abdala Kalil, fondateur du Vitality Institute

— « Pourquoi ne pas avoir l’air aussi bien que vous vous sentez – surtout quand de nouvelles procédures non-invasives engendrent si rapidement des conséquences dramatiques ? »


Today’s Baby Boomers no Longer Content to Just Act Younger; More Choosing Fast, Easy Procedures to Look Younger as Well

;Vitality Institute:

— « The rules have changed and now 50-year olds can easily compete with 20 and 30 year olds, » says anti-aging physician Dr. Abdala Kalil, founder of The Vitality Institute.

— « Why not look as good as you feel – especially when new non-invasive procedures produce dramatic results so fast? »


Demi Moore, Sharon Stone and Goldie Hawn have made one thing clear; they’re in the game of aging beautifully. Dr. Abdala Kalil has a question for anyone approaching age 50: How do you feel? Odds are, Dr. Kalil says, that most Baby Boomers feel good and are carrying on pretty much as they have for the last 20 years. And that’s exactly his point.


« The need for risky, invasive and expensive surgical procedures is fading fast. Real people can age as gracefully as the famous TV and movie stars. Actually they can age better and more naturally because there is no longer any need to endure going under the knife, » said Kalil.


What makes Kalil so successful is his innovative approach to aesthetic medicine. His patients appreciate the instant gratification from the immediate results they can get while also benefiting from long-term natural repair and restoration that comes with time, preservation and maintenance.


« This is about knowledge and innovation, it is not about technique, » said Kalil. « Most doctors do not think outside the box, I take an inventive and entrepreneurial spirit to my work and the results are astonishing. »


« Fifty isn’t 50 any more, » Kalil says. « The benchmark has moved. Today’s 50 is like yesterday’s 30 and attitudes are sexier, stronger and smarter than ever. »


Kalil also has a question for anybody – especially journalists – who still buy into the conventional wisdom that going under the knife is the only way to achieve quantifiable cosmetic results: Are you ready to see proof on the contrary?


« Come in, » said Kalil who gives his patients a personal promise that he will take 10 years off their appearance in less than one year. « Come in and watch me work. Bring your cameras. Talk to my patients. See how easy and fast it is. Talk to the hundreds of physicians I have trained. See the results of my procedures in minutes. Then decide. »


Results in One Week or Less

Unlike the invasive option of plastic surgery, Dr. Kalil is not telling his patients to wait a year for the results, he promises significant results in one week.


Kalil specializes in non-surgical procedures that are short, safe and so simple that some can be done in the time it takes your colleagues to eat lunch. That’s right – a lunchtime facelift.

One example is the Curl Lift, a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that involves the placing of sutures or threads under the skin, which do the lifting. There is no surgery, no hospital, no anesthesia and no down time. Results are as good or better than a traditional facelift. In the hands of a skilled aesthetic specialist such as Dr. Kalil, a Curl Lift smoothes and tightens drooping brows, cheeks or jowls.


The threads leave no scars and require no bandages. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and one treatment per area is usually all that is needed. Post-procedure care consists of applying ice.

Another example of an effective non-invasive procedure is mesotherapy, the painless injection of vitamins, minerals, medications and amino acids placed just under the surface of the skin.


Mesotherapy has a variety of applications including overall weight loss, spot weight reduction, cellulite reduction, hair loss, scar revision, improvement of the quality & tonicity of the skin and the reduction of wrinkles. Dr. Kalil has advanced mesotherapy in the US by creating new uses for the treatment and changing the formulas and he is getting astounding results. Using the mesotherapy technique, Kalil has developed MesoGlow(TM), to rejuvenate the face, MesoPeel(TM), to reduce wrinkles and change skin tone and MesoBoost(TM), instant procedure for male enhancement.


« People approaching 50 in today’s world are simply not the same, » said Kalil. « They may have young children – or grandchildren. They may be retired or they may be in their prime income years. Studies show they’re just as likely to be dating as their younger counterparts – some for the first time in decades. Everything about them is young and so why shouldn’t their appearance reflect that? »


Since 1997, there has been a 293 percent increase in the total number of cosmetic procedures. Surgical procedures increased by 87 percent, and non-surgical procedures increased by 471 percent, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.


About The Vitality Institute

The Vitality Institute is the place where people come to discover the benefits of anti-aging. Patients experience the most innovative and breakthrough treatments in non-surgical cosmetic dermatology in a spa-like atmosphere. The Vitality Institute has headquarters in Miami Beach, Florida and Dr. Kalil practices at select South Florida facilities in Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, and Vero Beach by appointment only.


About Dr. Kalil

For more information about Dr. Kalil, visit or The Vitality Institute is located in Miami Beach, Florida and can be reached by calling 505-538-8880.

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