Nouvelle Zélande : les entreprises ne semblent pas inquiètes du vieillissement de leurs salariés

Le vieillissement des salariés de Nouvelle Zélande pourrait effrayer les acteurs du marché du travail mais moins de la moitié des employeurs considèrent cette transition comme étant un problème, d’après un rapport récent réalisé « ;Hudson New Zealand’s ‘Ageing Population – Implications for Employers ;».

Less than half New Zealand employers consider the ageing workforce a business issue, despite statistics clearly showing that it threatens to progressively drain the labour market, according to the latest Hudson New Zealand’s Ageing Population—Implications for Employers report.

By the middle of this century one in four New Zealanders will be aged 65 years or older, compared to one in eight today. Hudson New Zealand general manager, Greg Thompson, says that when combined with the current skill and labour shortage and the lowest unemployment levels in 16 years, the results are a clear warning to employers.

« All these factors are pointing to a progressive draining of the labour market, yet few organisations are taking steps to address the issue, » he says.

And less than half of New Zealand businesses have a formal process in place to transfer skills and knowledge internally when an employee chooses to retire, the report reveals.

« Mature-aged workers are walking out the door taking years of experience and intellectual property with them. This is poor business practice and has a negative impact on the financial performance of an organisation, » says Thompson. « With a diminishing pool of talent for employers, mature workers are becoming increasingly important. They are a key segment of the workforce in which participation rates can be increased. »

Unfortunately, says Thompson, negative stereotypes about older workers still exist. « Some common perceptions about older workers are that they lack innovation and creativity, are too expensive to employ, are technophobic, are more prone to absenteeism due to poor health and are not interested in retraining. These views are based on stereotypes, not the facts. »

« The good news is that there is significant interest in working past retirement age. In a similar survey, Hudson Australia found almost 70 percent of managers would like to remain in the workforce on a part-time or casual basis after retiring from full-time work. We are likely to see similar responses in New Zealand. »

The report suggests that employers may not fully understand what mature workers want in terms of making the transition to retirement.

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