Japon : Pipit Phone, un téléphone pour les jeunes et des Seniors par Toyota

Toyota Motor Corporation (“Toyota”) has developed, in collaboration with DDI Pocket, Inc. (“DDI Pocket”) and Kyocera Corporation (“Kyocera”), a new model for its original PiPit Phone terminals with a number of new features added, including a security buzzer. The new model will go on sale as a new PiPit Phone at Toyota dealers across the country, including Toyota’s Keitai Shop PiPit, on Saturday, September 4.
Prior to the release, advance orders will be accepted from late August.

Since its release in June 2002, the PiPit Phone has won wide popularity, chiefly with children and elderly users, for its simple operation with just three destinations, and reasonable billing, and has bolstered family safety and security.
It has also won high marks from corporate users for its usefulness in business situations. Cumulative sales have reached 130,000 units.

Like the conventional model, the new PiPit Phone covers the three key features of family safety and security, simple operation and reasonable billing. And taking into account emerging social issues, new features are added for enhanced functionality and service. The features include a built-in security buzzer that is activated with a simple operation and a PiPit Call function that is linked with the security buzzer and automatically makes emergency calls. It also includes the Kokodayo Navi location information service, a highly regarded service started with conventional models.
And to meet the business needs of corporate users, PiPit Phone has a function of sending and receiving email.

The features of the new PiPit Phone are as follows:

[Major features of the new PiPit Phone]

1. Built-in security buzzer mounted on the rear side of the terminal
The security buzzer is activated by simply pulling the sliding switch mounted on the rear surface.
(The buzzer is activated by pulling the buzzer switch on the rear even when the terminal is powered off.)

2. New emergency calling (PiPit Call) function linked with the security buzzer
Triggered by the security buzzer, this added feature automatically transmits emergency phone calls (PiPit Calls) to a maximum of three preset destinations, one after another. With a voice message of “Bohan buzzer ga natteimasu” (“The security buzzer is sounding”), it promptly informs those picking up the call that there is an emergency.
If a PiPit Call attempt is unsuccessful because the destination terminal is outside the service area, engaged or powered off, it will make a PiPit Call to the next preset destination as well as another call attempt to the destination of the failed attempt.

3. Continued support for the Kokodayo Navi location information service
Kokodayo Navi is an original free-of-charge location information service provided for registered users (PiPit members) on the website, Toyota PiPit Web operated by Toyota. As with the earlier model, prior registration with Kokodayo Navi enables automatic or manual transmission of a map with the user’s position in reply to access from the parent unit (an au mobile phone) or from a personal computer. This service can be used as a rough guide*1 to the current location of a child or elderly user.
To take advantage of this service, it is necessary to register as a PiPit member and make a written application at a shop. (Support for this service is provided as an optional feature.) To access the service, users will need an au mobile phone with a subscription to the EZweb service.

(*1) Since the information sent from the terminal may be influenced by the radiowave conditions, the current location may not be correctly indicated, depending on the location.

4. New email function
Newly equipped with ten keys for message creation and email send/receive support, the new PiPit Phone meets the needs of business users. However, on the assumption that parents may concern about their children’s excessive use of email, it is possible to limit the use of email by setting the email restriction function to ON.

5. Simple operation with three limited destinations for easy use to anyone
As with the conventional model, users need only use three large buttons to select the destination, as well as the buttons for on/off. With this simple operation, users have full access to communications.
With its simple design employing three large buttons and two on/off buttons on the surface, with ten keys for message creation under the flip cover, the PiPit Phone has a user-friendly image.

6. Reasonable base charge
The monthly base rate of 1,029 yen (or 980 yen exclusive of consumption tax) plus communication charges cover communications with a maximum of three destinations (when the “Kokodayo Navi” feature is in use, two outgoing call destinations, with no restriction for incoming calls except certain data communications). As the model ensures that users can make calls only to intended destinations without fail, providing ease of use for children and elderly users.
The charge rates for DDI Pocket’s standard plan are applicable to communication charges. For example, a three-minute local call to a fixed-line destination costs 42 yen (or 40 yen exclusive of consumption tax) in the weekday daytime slot.

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