In Germany, as in other European countries, the 50plus market is the only growing market

Could you please introduce German marketing agency Proett & Partner GbR?


Monika Proett founded PROETT & PARTNER GbR 12 years ago. Today we work as an established, professional and successful network.  Each project has a dedicated consultant for the client to liase with. The benefit of networking ensures the project has the back up of experienced consultants who work together as a team.


Our motto. Tailor made, realistic and measurable


We have a comprehensive knowledge of 50plus management issues and crisis handling with specific experience in fields of finance, food, healthcare and wellness.


Our Networking expertise covers:

  • Communication

  • Design

  • Online

  • Survey

  • Events 

What is the 50plus market like in Germany?


Enterprises are just beginning to realize that the Generation 50plus is a main target group. However, despite the appreciation of the importance of this group, only a few companies target them separately.


In Germany, as in other European countries, the 50plus market is the only growing market. A recently published survey from cap Gemini said: just 31 % of all German companies are planning products and services for the new target group. Most interested companies are banks (53%) and insurance companies (73%).

What fields of activity will be the most affected by consequences of population ageing on economy?


All segments need to review their provision for the Generation 50plus. Companies, who miss that group, miss their own retirement-plan. Today we look at

  • Banks and Insurances

  • Cosmetic

  • Nutrition

  • Healthcare and wellness

  • Services

  • Tourism and Leisure


Everyone is affected by the ageing population and has the opportunity to make changes in the mature market. You have to find the needs of the Generation 50plus and make provision for them.


Public opinion needs to be challenged. In the UK, for example, getting old isn’t always seen as a disadvantage.  Some employers recognise their experience and actively employ people of this age range and have been rewarded by increased sales, as their customers know that they are able to turn to the staff for advice.


Also in the UK, it is well known that generally the Generation 50plus have more available cash to spend than families with children and financial commitments. Companies specifically aim their products at them.


What differentiates Proett & Partner from other consulting companies?


Proett & Partner are the only communication agency in Germany who has specialised in the Generation 50plus market for over 10 years. We know of no other agencies. Monika Proett herself is part of the Generation 50plus. All our consultants are at least 40 years old and have a minimum of 15 years working experience.


Our experience and extensive knowledge ensures that our clients receive valuable advice. Our Networking policy ensures that the consultant with the most relevant skills heads the project.

In your opinion, what are the keys to success factors to reach the 50plus age group?


Take this target group seriously. Realize your potential and be successful by adapting your business to serve this target group. This growing Generation 50plus group in as important as the youth market.


Our three easy step plan :

First Step: Relate to the new target group. We have developed a mature-test (www.reifetest de), which will test your knowledge of this group.  Unfortunately, this test is only available in German at the moment.


Second Step: Make decisions.  What can you offer the Generation 50plus?


Third Step: Commit to the Generation 50plus.


Monika Proett and Friedlies Reschke



Friedlies Reschke

Sertuernerstr. 18

D 30559 Hannover

Phone: +49 511 953 943

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