Boomers can be engaged without excluding other consumer groups

You are Priscilla Wallace, CEO of Boomertising®, a
division of The New Marketing Network, Inc.
Could you please introduce the company?

Boomertising® is a unique consortium of research, marketing and advertising pros
who know just how to sell to Boomers, because we are Boomers, and our success
has been made by convincing our peers to spend their unparalleled wealth on our
clients’ products and services. We specialize in generating incremental profits
for our clients by targeting the Baby Boomer market in ways no other firm can

We’re known for developing successful new products, building global brands
and creating award-winning advertising. Our proprietary Boomer Research Model
and our unique Boomer-to-Boomer creative marketing approach provide our clients
with the data, insights and services necessary to profit from the $2.5 trillion
Baby Boomer market.

What was the first motivation when launching

While the enormity of the opportunity that the Baby Boomer market offers today’s
marketers is becoming widely acknowledged, the business models and research
databases of most marketing services firms are just not designed to help their
clients take advantage of it. Research, advertising and consulting firms
traditionally specialize in targeting the 18-39 or youth markets, because that’s
where the spending power used to be.

New Marketing introduced Boomertising® as a means for our clients to take a new
look at the largest, richest consumer market in history and to offer new ways to
help them optimize their efforts in targeting it.

What services do you offer to companies that want to
reach the Boomer Market?

We provide a full range of marketing services required to help our clients
succeed when introducing new products, building global brands and creating
messages that motivate purchase among Boomer consumers.

How we differ from other firms is that each Boomertising® Project Team is
staffed by Boomers who have experience in the client’s industry and a proven
track record targeting the Boomer Market through services including:

• Boomer Branding
• Boomer Advertising
• Boomer New Products
• Boomer Research & Focus Groups
• Boomer PR
• Boomer Trend Identification

What skills are required to reach the 50-plus Boomer

The 50-plus market is quite different from the Baby Boomer market. Baby Boomers,
born 1946-1964, currently range in age from 41 to 60, so nearly half of them are
not even 50 yet. Trying to reach the 50-plus market leaves out half of the
Boomers. Boomertising® is the only firm that markets to Boomers as a consumer
group, not an age group.

As for the skills required to reach the Boomer market, someone put it best by
saying, « It takes one to know one. » To that we might add, « It takes a Boomer to
sell a Boomer. » Just as traditional ad agencies and marketing services firms
hire the young to reach the 18-39 year-old target markets, Boomertising® staffs
its projects with an all-Boomer team that brings an inside perspective on the
Boomer market that can only come from being Baby Boomers themselves.

Is there an industry that shows particular interest in
marketing to Boomers?

Because of the misperception that Boomers is just another name for seniors (and
terms like « aging Baby Boomers » don’t help), the industries showing the most
interest are those with products and services that are most appropriate for the
55-plus age groups, such as retirement-related services and health-related

Since Boomers outspend all other consumer groups in nearly all categories of
every industry, understanding this market represents the single largest
opportunity for marketers today. What most companies don’t realize yet is that
Boomers can be engaged without excluding other consumer groups.

We have heard about your research model. What
differentiates your research model from other research firms?

Baby Boomers redefine every phase of life they enter. Using traditional research
models and benchmarks to study them is often misleading and provides little
insight into them.

Our proprietary research model studies Boomers as a consumer group … not an age
•Standard age segmentation studies don’t accurately represent Boomers. Most
research findings are based on the Boomers 50-plus segment. Since Boomers are
now ages 41-60, this is only half the market.

Our all-Boomer research team provides first-hand knowledge of the market and
insights into Boomers’ purchase logic.
•It’s been said that “60 is the new 40”. What we do is define the new 40 and
show how business can benefit from this new mindset.

Our proprietary research model tracks Boomers and spots trends in the making.
•Because we’re Boomers and we’re global, we’ve got our fingers on the pulse of
where Boomers are and where they’re going. Because we’re researchers, marketers
and strategists, we know how to apply this information to obtain the optimal
business advantage

Contact details:

Priscilla Wallace
CEO Boomertising/a division of The New
Marketing Network, Inc.
New York:   212-572-6392
Chicago:     312-670-0096

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