Innovation is Alive and Well in the Elder Care Business

SBANE June 2006 Breakfast Series –“Innovation is Alive and Well in the Elder
Care Business… If You Know Where to Look,” featuring Andrea Cohen, CEO of

The trend is clear: most seniors want to live at home. Innovation and creativity
are needed to transform the fundamentals of private-pay service delivery.
Private-pay home care is a fast-growing, labor-intensive business. How can the
industry manage growth and the constant demand for labor in a market that is
expected to explode as the first crop of baby boomers face both their own needs
and the needs of their parents?

To meet this new and growing need, innovative businesses are changing the elder
care market through an entrepreneurial approach to service delivery evidenced by
a customer-driven approach that returns a sense of control to adult children and
their elderly parents.

HouseWorks is an elder care company dedicated to helping seniors live
independently, no matter how challenging the circumstances. Honored by SBANE as
a finalist in the 2006 New England Innovation Awards, HouseWorks’ message is a
powerful one: you must exceed the expectations of your customers by providing
reliable and responsive services.

Join SBANE for the inside story from an entrepreneurial CEO in an industry which
will touch all of our lives in the immediate future.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
7:00-7:30 a.m.: Networking
7:30-9:00 a.m.: Breakfast, Speaker

Newton Marriott, Newton, Mass.

$40 SBANE Member/$50 Non-Member (pre-registered)
$45 SBANE Member/$55 Non-Member (pay-at-door)

Media contact:
Scott MacKenzie
The Castle Group, Inc
(617) 227-0012 x246

About the SBANE Breakfast Series
SBANE is committed to providing programs and advocacy relevant to the small
business community, in addition to offering a venue for members and guests to
benefit from a high-quality networking experience. Breakfast Series meetings
attract CEOs and senior- and mid-level managers from all industries with a
desire to learn how to do more and grow faster. For questions, or to register
for this event, visit
or call (781) 890-9070.

The Smaller Business Association of New England (SBANE) helps businesses succeed
through profitable connections. Its almost 1,000 member companies throughout New
England range from smaller service businesses and product companies to 200+
employee manufacturing plants. SBANE’s educational programs and member services
address the shared interests and needs of its diverse membership.

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