Income Ideas For Seniors

Income Ideas for Seniors, a brand new resource available now for retirees, baby boomers and those soon to retire is achieving significant interest among seniors from the East Coast all the way to Hawaii.




This book is the result of many seniors needing to age in a productive and active way, wanting to find ways to supplement their income.




As a senior citizen explained, “We seniors do not know what is out there”. The authors, three women, one a senior herself, have worked on this book to help today’s seniors live more fulfilled lives. In particular, with “Income Ideas for Seniors” the authors are aiming to start changing retirees situation for the better.

“Income Ideas for Seniors” contains many ideas for paid activities as well as inspiring anecdotes from retirees that are aging actively today. The book is intended to help seniors take steps to feel useful and be rewarded for what they want and can do.




“Income Ideas for Seniors” has millions of retired men and women in mind as well as the baby boomer generation, a large percent of the population that is approaching retirement age. Retirees and baby boomers feel they still have many years where they can be productive and stay involved in the society, specially as advances in medicine allows them to live longer and more wholesome lives.

Briefly, this resource contains a self assessment section to focus seniors on individual interests and capabilities, a section on ideas that can catch the readers attention as potential sources of income and stimulating examples of people that got where these readers may want to be in the near future.

Five percent of the 2004 book proceeds will be donated to the Arthritis Foundation, an agency increasing the awareness of what sometimes can be a very debilitating disease for seniors.

SeniorsCanWork is part of Agityne Corp.; SeniorsCanWork focuses on maximizing the potential of those in their retirement years.

For more information contact:
P.O. Box 690
Upton, MA 01568
Fax: 508-529-4135




Source : Culture and Community News

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