AFRICA: Building Capacity in Healthcare for Older People

The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) in partnership with Pfizer Inc. and with the support of the Department Social Development, South African government launched a new and unique partnership project that aims to strengthen the capacity of NGOs in developing countries to access health care and service delivery for older people. ;


Access to appropriate medical and care support through life is critical to the health and well being of the nation. ; Older people are one of the most vulnerable in this region, and with an increasing number of key caregiving roles due to the dramatic increase in prevalence of HIV/Aids. ;


The specific aim of the pilot project is to design approaches to improve the health and well being of older people through careful, realistic planning and the exchange of expertise between NGOs. ;


Facilitating the first project meeting in Pretoria, today the Director of International and Corporate Relations of the IFA Mr. Greg Shaw said, ‘Ageing is much more than a social issue it is a development issue and the partnerships being established today between NGOs from Europe and Africa. ;


‘Age Concern England’ through its regional organizations are to be commended for taking an active role in these pilot projects and it is especially pleasing to have the Project Officers and Managers in Johannesburg today. ; Equally important is the commitment of NGOs, Ensemble Protégeons les Vieux (Cameroon), The Aged Family Uganda (Uganda) Age-in-Action (South Africa) and Issy Geshen Lamont Home (South Africa) to partner in this venture. ; Though the issues may seem very different in these countries the development of relationships is an important first step to changing misperceptions and attitudes toward older people in Africa’. ;


Concurrent IFA members across 62 countries encourage NGOs in the poorest countries of the world to be part of the Federation through a complimentary membership program until March 2007. ; This initiative encourages an exchange of information and involvement in growing a community of people and organizations committed to improved lives for seniors.


Historically IFA has successfully worked and represented NGOs from developed countries, but has had less involvement and engagement with NGOs from developing countries. ; This project aims to strengthen its knowledge base to support its status as a commentator and advocate at a global level on policy and practice in relation to ageing.


‘To be truly representative, the IFA needs not only to increase its knowledge of the issues facing older people in developing countries, but to do this, by fully engaging with them. The Building Capacity in Health Care projects responds to this challenge and is one of a number of projects being undertaken in this area. Through the support and partnerships formed today we can have a positive impact on the lives of older people ’, said Mr Shaw. ;



Contact: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Mr. Greg Shaw


International and Corporate Relations

International Federation on Ageing

Telephone: +1 514 396-3358



All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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