Jeff Taylor : J’ai créé eons pour permettre aux Baby boomers de vivre pleinement is a 50+ media company inspiring a new generation baby boomers and seniors to live the biggest life possible. Interview of its founder

What is ? is a 50+ media company inspiring a new generation baby boomers and seniors to live the biggest life possible. Our mission is to capture the voice of the inspired boomer generation through a portal and through a spirited community that is the center for everything 50-plus. is the place to tackle your wildest adventure and dreams, celebrate your accomplishments and make the most of today. Co-creation and participation is at the center of Eons’ ability to deliver an exceptional, relevant experience for the 50-plus visitor. From listing and going after their life goals, to acting as experts for their fellow members, users engage with Eons’ products and services resulting in a unique, personalized experience with every visit.

Why did you launch this web site ? In August 2005, I left my former position as founder and CEO of At Monster, my mantra was, « It’s half about a better job, and half about a better life. »  With the jobs aspect fulfilled, I’m now focused on helping people enjoy a better life. As momentum began to build around the baby boomers’ exit from the labor force, I was inspired by the massive post-retirement opportunities and started Eons with the mission to inspire boomers and seniors to live the biggest life possible. My new mantra is « Let’s live to be 100 (or die trying !) »

Who are your readers ? Eons members consist of boomers and spirited seniors who want to do more, see more, learn more and be more. They have more ambition, health and financial means than any other generation. They can tackle life with gusto from the moment they celebrate turning 50 through the journey toward the reachable goal of living to be 100. Eons is putting out a challenge to make the most of this time and invites all spirited individuals 50-plus to join. It’s free to register at Eons and thousands are joining every month.

You Invite 50-plus Generation of Boomers and Seniors to Be Proud, Be Loud about Their Age. What do you mean ? There is a lot that is debatable in life. Age is not. And while age is not the one thing that fully defines an individual, it is the thing that tends to pull like-minded people together and it is Eons’ point of differentiation. People are showing up at our site proud of their age and ready to engage. That’s a real difference from feeling like you have to hide your age, which is not uncommon.  Also, the first 50 years of most people’s lives are structured around A « have to » list whereas after 50 they can start to plan for their want to do list. The years after the age of 50 are typically the most unstructured time in the lives of baby boomers – and Eons provides them with inspiring ways to travel and explore, to re-invent careers, to nurture relationships, to give back to the community … to live life to the fullest !

Which strategy do you use to reach this objective ? Everything we do at Eons is with a “50+” lens, meaning we are laser focused on being relevant. We are a safe place where even the inexperienced 50+ web user can feel welcome. We have four pillar products that address the key areas of people’s lives : body, money, love and fun. Additionally, we have four innovative pillars that challenge people in a different way, including Goals ; Lifemap, where you build your life story ; Obits, where we celebrate the lives of loved ones in a new way ; and cRANKy, the first age relevant search engine.
The first thing we did before we even launched was very successful. Our pre-launch  »How Old Are You ? » challenge collected more than 40,000 goals from more than 5,000 Americans from all 50 states between April and July 2006.
The viral campaign invited spirited 50-plus adults to submit up to 100 goals they would like to accomplish before reaching the attainable age of 100 for a chance to win $15,000 toward making one of them come true. With the July 31 launch of, we unveiled a signature area of our site that allows them to view an ever-changing list of top goals of 50-plus Americans, create their own « want to do » list, and leverage our experts, ressources, tools and community of like-minded people to help them achieve them. The winner of Eons « How Old Are You ? » challenge, 63-year old Regina Ting of Hawaii, submitted 46 goals and selected No. 4 on her list, « visit my ancestors’ province in China, » as the goal she’ll pursue with her prize winnings.

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