US: Dr. Linda Eagle Discussing Banks and Elder Financial Abuse

Dr. Linda Eagle, President of The Edcomm Group, was a featured guest on WS Radio’s Coping With Caregiving on Saturday March 4, 2006 at 3:00pm (PST). Dr. Eagle discussed the growing concerns of elder financial abuse, what role the banking industry plays in protecting their elderly customers, and how banks can ensure their compliance to the law.

In her interview, Dr. Eagle stated that over 2 million seniors each year are victims of elder financial abuse and that approximately 84% of cases are never reported. Dr. Eagle stated that elder financial abuse is defined as “The illegal taking or misuse or concealment of the funds or other assets of an elder without the elder’s consent.” In discussing the low reporting rate, she says, “Some people never realize that they have been victimized, or may fear that they may lose their independence should they report it. It is a daunting problem.”

Regarding banks’ compliance responsibilities, Dr. Eagle emphasized that “Banks need to know what the signs of elder financial abuse are and what to do with it when they see it.” She added, “The Edcomm Group provides comprehensive training programs that teach what elder financial abuse is, how to detect it, and how to follow policies and procedures for reporting the abuse to the appropriate agencies. Our goal is always to help banks protect their elderly customers, while protecting the bank from compliance risk.”

To address this growing concern, The Edcomm Group has created Focus on Elder Financial Abuse, a comprehensive eLearning program providing training on issues related to elder financial abuse. The course covers: defining elder financial abuse and the laws governing it, detecting the red flags of elder financial abuse, and reporting elder financial abuse properly. Focus on Elder Financial Abuse is geared towards teaching participants how to identify elder abuse and how to protect both their customers and the bank, with accurate, compliant reporting.

For more information about programs like these, or to find out how The Edcomm Group can customize any training program, log onto

WS Radio is the largest independent Internet talk radio station in the world with over 80 shows, broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Show topics include business, health, hobby and special interests. Coping With Caregiving is a monthly radio program heard free worldwide which explores such topics as health, aging and long-term care insurance/planning.

The host of the show, Jacqueline Marcell, became an advocate for eldercare awareness and reform while caring for her own elderly parents. She is author of the bestselling book, “Elder Rage” and has made hundreds of radio and television appearances including CNN, TODAY, Woman’s Day, Prevention and the cover of the AARP Bulletin.

Dr. Eagle is frequently invited to speak on a range of topics including distance learning, adult education, compliance training, teller training, ethics training, technological advances in training and education, and business solutions. Linda’s educational background in psychology and communications and her experience in organizational consulting give her unique insight into the practical application of training and communication programs that provide measurable benefits. She has provided consulting and training services to hundreds of organizations in a variety of industries. Published in many national publications such as USA Today and American Banker, Linda has also appeared on numerous local and national radio and television news programs.

The Edcomm Group is a 19-year-old multimedia education and communication consulting firm specializing in the development of creative business solutions that improve productivity, customer service and market share – providing bottom-line results. The Edcomm Group is headquartered in New York City with an Advanced Design Center located in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania.

For more information, please contact:

Linda Eagle
President, The Edcomm Group

All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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