Baby Boomers – Booming in Business

Neither shy nor retiring, people over 50 are proving there’s life and profits after retirement as they ;launch second careers as entrepreneurs. ;According to Tom Edge a Business Start Trainer and author of ;the book Over50.Biz ; there are five factors driving this trend:


1. ; ; ; Increasing longevity with better health for an increasing segment of the population

2. ; ; ;People are recognising the need for additional income, especially those forced into early retirement because of layoffs and buyouts.

3. ; ; ; Pensions are not performing

4. ; ; ;Children are staying at home longer necessitating more income

5. ; ; ; People are looking for intellectual stimulation.


A recent Government study found that 76 percent of retirees work post-retirement because they need the money, while an equal number reported they worked for the enjoyment of it.

Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. « You have to know what drives you, is it Learning? Creativity? Accomplishment? Recognition? Money? That will guide you on what business, if any, is going to make you happy, » says Tom Edge, who now dedicates much of his business training activities ;to the over 50’s.


A post-retirement business ought to fulfil passions and interests. « You have to love it, or you won’t ;stick with it through the tough times, » says Edge, who began his training business back in the ‘80s ;following redundancy. As an endeavour he expected to gain more pleasure and profits from than he ;actually did. That’s when he switched gears and launched his Seminar “Age is no barrier” and wrote ;the book Over50.Biz ; « Helping other, similar people was an important part of what was missing ;before, » he says.


Motivated by passion and money, older entrepreneurs aren’t showing any signs of fading. « 50 is the ;new 40 and we’re too young to retire to a rocking chair, » Tom Edge says. « I don’t think we’ll ever be ;old enough for that. »


About Tom Edge:

Tom Edge has helped over 25,000 businesses to set up, survive and prosper. He launched his latest seminar “Age is no barrier” at the Business Start Up ; Show at ExCel end and attracted 100over 50’s ;would be entrepreneurs.


At 62 next birthday Tom Edge is a “Baby Boomer” himself. He lives in Wolverhampton with his wife and son


Contact Details: Tel: 01902 335507 and ; 07711518837 24 hours

e: tom@Over50.Biz ; Web Site: www.Over50.Biz


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