CANADA: Baby boomers believe they are winning the battle against aging

The popular notion that ’50 is the new 40′ and ’40 is the new 30′, has been reaffirmed by Canada‘s baby boomers in a recent national survey. In fact, 61 per cent of baby boomers say that they feel about 10 years younger than their true age.


In the survey conducted by market research firm Pollara, when asked what they do to feel younger, 76 per cent cited regular exercise, 71 per cent say they watch what they eat and 40 per cent say they take a vitamin or mineral supplement on a regular basis. Most baby boomers surveyed don’t rely on plastic surgery, liposuction or wrinkle creams, for example, but rather believe they are taking control of the way they age by following a simpler regimen.


« This famous generation is more informed in many ways than their parents, and this gives them a sense of control and empowers them. They pride themselves on doing things their own way, and now in doing so, they are trying to rewrite the book on aging, » says Dr. Miroslava Lhotsky, family physician, co-author of The Healthy Boomer, and co-founder and director of the Toronto Midlife Health Institute. « This is particularly true when it comes to their approach to healthy living. They are striving to stay fit by exercising and eating well, in order to stay young. They want to be involved in all aspects of their health. »


While many claim to feel younger than their years, the survey also reveals that many baby boomers are very concerned about maintaining their good health in the years to come, in order to reduce the risk of developing chronic disease.


For both men and women surveyed, the greatest health concern is cancer

(60 per cent), followed by heart disease (50 per cent). Other concerns include Alzheimer’s disease (28 per cent), arthritis (26 per cent) and diabetes (24 per cent). When it comes to osteoporosis, though, women are three times more likely to be concerned than men (21 per cent versus 7 per cent, respectively).


« It’s good news that boomers are paying attention to the future because the reality is, over the next decade, the first round of Canada‘s ten million baby boomers will reach the age of 65. Even by age 50, the health risks associated with aging start to become more apparent, regardless of how young you feel or how active you are, » says Dr. Lhotsky.


Nearly 80 per cent of baby boomers believe that they have some or even a lot of control in reducing their risk of chronic disease. Andrea Miller, registered dietitian at Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, agrees that boomers have a strong hand in ensuring good health in the long term.


« Diet can have a significant impact in offsetting, to some degree, the rising health risks that aging brings, » says Miller. « But even if we make healthier food choices, as we age, our bodies don’t absorb certain vitamins and minerals as well from diet alone. A daily multivitamin supplement can provide the necessary nutritional insurance to fill in the nutrient gaps of a less than optimal diet. »



The Role of Supplementation in Baby Boomers’ Health

Boomers, in particular, are at risk of some vitamin and mineral deficiencies, Dr. Lhotsky adds. The absorption of vitamin B12, for example, decreases after the age of 50. Strong scientific evidence suggests that the daily use of a multivitamin can help address these shortcomings. A multivitamin may also impact elevated blood levels of homocysteine, which has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.


A Swedish study in the Journal of Nutrition, for example, showed that the use of a multivitamin supplement was associated with reduced homocysteine levels and therefore a lower risk of heart disease. Further studies show that multivitamin supplementation can also help improve immune function and help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, cancer and osteoporosis.


Boomers, particularly women, are also at an increased risk of osteoporotic fractures because of vitamin D and calcium deficiencies. According to the most recent (2002) Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis in Canada and the Osteoporosis Society of Canada, those over the age of 50 should be consuming 1,500 mg of calcium and 800 IU of vitamin D daily.


When choosing a supplement to address vitamin and mineral deficiencies, Miller recommends that baby boomers look for a multivitamin that is formulated specifically for those aged 50 plus, such as Centrum Select(R), which has higher levels of vitamin B6 and B12, vitamin E and a lower level of iron. Many healthcare professionals may also recommend taking a calcium supplement with increased vitamin D, such as Caltrate Select(TM) specifically formulated for older adults with 400 IU of vitamin D.


About the survey

The telephone survey of 1,103 Canadians between 45 and 64 years of age was conducted by POLLARA Inc., from April 11 to 16, 2005, and claims a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.


About Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Inc.

Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Inc. is a leading Canadian provider of       non-prescription pharmaceutical products that manufactures quality nutritional supplements, including Canada‘s top selling multivitamin brand, Centrum(R). Wyeth Consumer Healthcare is committed to reformulating its multivitamins regularly to reflect the latest nutritional science.



All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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