AUS: World first program to help fight dementia

Alzheimer s Australia WA today welcomed the Federal Government s latest announcement to set aside $8.5 million to establish Dementia and Memory Centres across the country to help improve awareness, prevention and management of dementia.


The new program forms part of the Federal Government s Dementia – a National Health Priority initiative announced in this week s Budget which sets aside $320 million over five years to target dementia care, prevention and research.


The Dementia and Memory Centres, which will be established by Alzheimer s Australia, will provide on-line memory testing, drop-in centres, day workshops and web-based health information.


Alzheimer s Australia WA chief executive Frank Schaper praised the Federal Government for their commitment to address the dementia epidemic now and in the future.


The investment into these centres would help stem the current dementia epidemic resulting from our ageing population by creating greater access to dementia information, care and management for all Western Australians, Mr Schaper said.


We hope these centres will raise the awareness of the disease and provide people with dementia and their carers, better access to one-to-one counselling, support groups and education,


Mr Schaper also challenged the Government of Western Australia to follow the commitment shown by their Federal counterparts in the forthcoming State budget.


We urge the WA government to extend their work with us in preparing for the increasing demand for dementia specific services or face significant social and economic implications in the future.


Alzheimer s Australia WA CEO, Frank Schaper: 0412 150 915

Media Enquiries: Joel Chan

(08) 9388 2800 / 0402 222 ;100



All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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