America’s “Attitudes on Aging” Explored in Nationwide Study

study released today debunks the common perception that Americans are
obsessed with vanity when it comes to aging. The study, commissioned by
emerging nutraceutical company, Juvenon, Inc., shows that for two out
of three Americans, the leading age-related worry is “deteriorating physical
condition.” One in two Americans is concerned with “loss of mental sharpness.”
Only 8 percent place “gray hair” at the top of their concerns about aging,
and 4 percent place “wrinkles” at the top of their concerns.

“As Americans are
bombarded with marketing images that promote maintaining a youthful image,
they spend billions of dollars a year on cosmetic anti-aging products,”
said Dr. Ben Treadwell, Scientific Adviser to Juvenon. “In spite of the
numbers of people who subscribe to the thought that aging can be confronted
from the outside-in, it’s comforting to know that an overwhelming majority
of the respondents surveyed are more concerned with the aging process
from the inside out.”

Aging is Experienced: Men vs. Women



(Age 45+)


(Age 45+)

I feel less energetic today than I did

5 years ago.



src= »Juvenon Press Release, May 25, 2004_fichiers/pixel-paleblue.gif »
width= »100% »>

Based on
Juvenon’s survey findings, women generally think more about aging than
men. One of the reasons women tend to be more preoccupied with the effects
of aging than men could be that a larger percentage of women feel less
energetic now than they did five years ago in comparison to men. Additionally,
this finding – that women experience energy loss more so than men – applies
across all age groups.

in Four Americans Believe In

The Value of Preventive Care . . .

overall seem to agree that taking preventive measures now can ensure good
physical and mental health, contributing to longer and healthier lives.
Nationwide, 74 percent of respondents feel that much of what affects their
physical and mental health depends on what they do to take care of themselves.
Regionally, 80 percent of survey respondents in the Northeast are more
likely to subscribe to this line of thinking as compared to only 71 percent
of respondents residing in Western states.

Americans understand the value of engaging in a healthy lifestyle, only
54 percent of the population actively involve themselves in altering their
behaviors to ensure they will have good physical and mental health later
in life. Alternatively, this means that the other 46 percent of Americans
do not take steps towards a healthy lifestyle. In addition to this startling
figure, 20 percent of the population feels that there is nothing that
they can do to prevent deteriorating health conditions and other conditions
associated with the aging process because they think “it’s all predetermined”.

. . But Only a Slim Majority Take Active Steps

To Ensure Good Health in Later Life





I’m taking steps now to ensure good health later in life.




src= »Juvenon Press Release, May 25, 2004_fichiers/pixel-paleblue.gif »
width= »100% »>
Vitamins and nutritional supplements can help prolong an active




src= »Juvenon Press Release, May 25, 2004_fichiers/pixel-paleblue.gif »
width= »100% »>
I don’t do a lot to prevent aging because I believe that how one
ages is predetermined.




src= »Juvenon Press Release, May 25, 2004_fichiers/pixel-paleblue.gif »
width= »100% »>
(Question: Which of the following statements, if any,
are true for you? Please select all that apply.)
src= »Juvenon Press Release, May 25, 2004_fichiers/pixel-paleblue.gif »
width= »100% »>

at Juvenon commissioned a study to delve deeper into Americans’ thoughts
and perceptions around the aging process after realizing that insufficient
data around the topic existed. The study was designed to gauge respondents’
perceptions specifically with regard to energy levels as people age, attitudes
toward the results of aging and lifestyle measures that can be taken to
stave off aging.

survey results are available on this website, under The
Science: Current Research




This survey was commissioned by Juvenon, Inc. in conjunction with Harris
Interactive®. Harris Interactive fielded the study from April 26 – 28th,
2004, via its QuickQuerySM online omnibus service, interviewing a nationwide
sample of 2,013 U.S. adults (18+). In theory, with a probability sample
of this size, one can say with 95 percent certainty that the results have
a statistical precision of plus or minus 3 percentage points of what they
would be if the entire adult population had been polled with complete
accuracy. This is not a probability sample. Data were propensity-weighted
to be representative of the total U.S. adult population on the basis of
region, age within gender, education, household income, and race/ethnicity.

Juvenon, Inc.

Juvenon, Inc. is an emerging nutraceutical company committed to developing
products that slow the progressive deterioration associated with cellular
aging. Juvenon’s proprietary technology was developed at the University
of California, Berkeley by renowned scientist Bruce Ames, Ph.D., a winner
of the National Medal of Science and other international honors, and Tory
Hagen, Ph.D., an investigator at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon
State University. Juvenon is currently the only nutraceuticals company
that focuses on the role of the mitochondria and the mechanics of cellular
health. The company’s first product, Juvenon Energy Formula™, consists
of two mitochondrial-activating components that restore energy levels,
enhances brain cell function, and improves metabolic efficiency. For more
information about Juvenon, visit

Harris Interactive

Harris Interactive ( target=_blank> is a worldwide market
research and consulting firm best known for The Harris Poll®, and for
pioneering the Internet method to conduct scientifically accurate market
research. Headquartered in Rochester, New York, Harris Interactive combines
proprietary methodologies and technology with expertise in predictive,
custom and strategic research. The Company conducts international research
from its U.S. offices and through wholly owned subsidiaries—Londonbased
HI Europe (, Paris-based Novatris and Tokyo-based Harris
Interactive Japan—as well as through the Harris Interactive Global Network
of independent market- and opinionresearch firms.

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