Senior Genie™ Retains International Marketing Firm for Launch

Senior Genie™, a web-site and e-business targeting, educating and servicing the over-50 consumer, will be operational in fall 2005. Senior Genie™ will initially offer a basket of products, services and commercial relationships targeting seniors interested in retirement, vacationing or wintering in the highly popular Texas Hill Country.

The first decade of the 21st century ushers in the largest influx of retirees in America »s history. The « baby boom generation » creates a unique opportunity to market information, products and services to this huge, highly mobile, financially successful, active demographic as retirement beckons.

Senior Genie™ has identified the need and opportunity to supply this generation and businesses serving baby boomers with a comprehensive one stop store of information and benefits to be utilized initially in the Texas Hill Country.

Senior Genie™ has retained Geoff & Nancy Ficke of Duquesa Marketing, Inc., Cincinnati OH, to handle all elements of the e-business launch. « The management of Senior Genie™ has wisely decided to initially offer a terrific range of services and benefits to seniors interested in retiring, wintering or vacationing in the Texas Hill Country », said Geoff Ficke, President of Duquesa Marketing, Inc. « We plan to quickly extend the service to other popular destinations in the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean and European desirable travel or retirement spots. »

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