New Zealand hoteliers urged to entice the ‘Silver Surfers’

New Zealand hoteliers and tourist operators could see their international market share slip significantly if they did not step up their multi-channel distribution strategies, according to Sue Graham, Travelocity’s Regional Manager for Asia Pacific.

‘Your traditional main sources of international visitors are some of the highest Internet using countries in the world and it make sense for NZ hotels to embrace the Net now,’ she said.

‘The big advantage of Internet marketing and distribution for hoteliers is that it’s cheap, convenient and gives you a huge storefront that’s always open.

‘All your top five inbound sources— Australia , the UK , the US , Japan and Korea —are among the top 20 countries with the highest number of Net users in the world. This brings opportunities for those suppliers that seize online distribution quickly,’ Ms Graham said.

‘These countries all have high numbers of mature people. New Zealand suppliers could do well to particularly target the so-called silver surfers or mature aged Internet-savvy travellers. Studies in the US showed that this group had more spending power, more free time and more inclination to travel further,’ she said.

‘In the US , baby boomers account for one-third of the online population and almost half of them have been online for five years or more. So they’re comfortable with online purchasing.

‘What’s more, we know that the Internet is now the most important source of information on international travel. And there’s been a big shift in the number of more mature couples giving online hotel reviews and encouraging others,’ Ms Graham explained.

In the US , online travel will account for more than one-third of travel bookings next year. Hoteliers and tourist operators wanting to maximize their online distribution strategy should look to supplier-friendly distributors with extensive points-of-sale globally.

‘At Travelocity®, we’re proud of the depth of our affiliate sites, such as American and AARP, the 35-million strong US advocacy group for the 50+,’ she said.

‘You have a very competitive travel industry here in NZ and it is undergoing a huge change now. On top of this, we understand that your share of the UK and the US markets in particular are under threat so the time to step up Internet distribution is right now,’ Ms Graham added.


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