IBM and Accessibility Solutions

IBM introduced a range of solutions and developers’ tools that open up the Worldwide Web and other information technology to the aging workforce and people with disabilities at its annual PartnerWorld Conference.

This portfolio of accessibility technologies enables ISVs/developers to make web sites and IT systems accessible and, further underscores IBM’s commitment to providing information technology that everyone can use.

Included at the PartnerWorld demonstration is IBM’s innovative talking Web browser, the Home Page Reader version 3.04, an effective tool for developers to test Web pages for accessibility early in the prototype and design stage as well as after the content or application has been deployed.

The latest version of the software is designed to help businesses meet both growing regulatory requirements and the needs of employees and customers who are blind, visually impaired, or elderly, by allowing them to navigate increasingly complex Web sites. Additionally, Home Page Reader version 3.04 is available in eight languages: Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, English, Thai and Japanese.

« Empowering people with disabilities to access to the web and the other information technology must be a rising initiative for all companies and organizations, » said Jay Leventhal of American Federation of the Blind. « Web developers need innovative and effective tools to better enable them to build sites which can be accessible to the aging workforce and people with disabilities, a population that cannot be ignored in today’s world. »

« IBM’s accessibility solutions are designed not only to help companies and organizations meet government requirements for accessibility, but to move businesses beyond compliance. IBM envisions a true societal transformation where accessibility is not only good for individuals, but good for business and for society as a whole, » said Frances West, director of IBM’s Worldwide Accessibility Center.

IBM provides accessibility solutions to its clients and partners to meet growing government regulations around the world and to move beyond compliance.

At PartnerWorld, IBM’s Worldwide Accessibility Center will demonstrate its toolkit of solutions in Booth # 824:

Home Page Reader — Home Page Reader, a talking Web browser, is also

an effective tool for developers to test Web pages for accessibility early

in the prototype/design stage as well as after the content or application

has been deployed. Thousands of software developers inside IBM use Home

Page Reader to check for usability and accessibility

aDesigner — aDesigner is a technology that integrates new patented

accessibility testing technologies and existing tools for Web developers.

It is particularly effective at checking the degree of color contrast on a

page, the ability of users to change the font size and the availability of

links in the page to promote navigability. The tool also checks the page’s

compliance with accessibility guidelines. A handy feature: aDesigner’s site-

wide feature automatically « crawls » through a Website so that developers

can check more than one page at a time.

Easy Web Browsing — Easy Web Browsing benefits computer users who

have low vision and can use the mouse. Organizations and companies are

installing Easy Web Browsing to differentiate their own Web sites and make

them more accessible to their members, employees and customers. Seniors and

first-time Internet users appreciate its simple user interface.

Web Adapt 2 Me — Web Adapt 2 Me allows people who have low vision,

cognitive or mobility limitations to customize the way that Web pages are

presented. Users can change the size of the text, increase the line

spacing, and convert the text and links to high-contrast colors that are

easier to see.

Beyond Compliance — At IBM, accessibility has evolved into a business

transformation effort. IBM can help clients and Business Partners transform

their businesses and take accessibility beyond compliance to a business

advantage with measurable return on investment. On hand will be subject

matter experts who can talk to PartnerWorld attendees about establishing a

comprehensive approach to accessibility using the IBM Accessibility


About IBM

IBM is the world’s largest information technology provider and a worldwide leader in e-business solutions. The company has more than 300,000 employees and does business in more than 160 countries.

Part of the IBM Research organization, the worldwide Accessibility Center fosters product accessibility, works toward the adoption of worldwide standards and applies innovative technologies to solve problems experienced by workers with disabilities and other limitations.

For more information on the IBM Accessibility Center, visit

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