Baby Boomers Represent a Huge Opportunity for Specialty Retailers ( based in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA has introduced esthetic based products, related information and learning resources to address Baby Boomer’s life stage driven needs and desires.

Developmental psychologists say Baby Boomers are entering into the fall of life where the appreciation of beauty and nature, interest in spirituality, and a renewed focus on learning is taking on significantly greater importance. During this life stage, satisfaction shifts progressively away from a focus on things to a focus on life balance. is in the business of esthetics, or the appreciation of beauty. offers some of the finest quality bronze sculpture, figurines, water fountains and Chinese Art available. According to Stephen Babcock, President of, “Beautiful works of art and nature are transformational; they help us reconnect with what’s important in life.

A beautiful sculpture or figurine can capture the imagination and the natural flow of water over stone is serene and reinvigorating.” “We know there is an increased interest in products with high artistic values and their associated information and we are working to address our customers’ needs and desires for these products and services.”

Baby Boomers are the new customer majority and are projected to remain so for the next two decades. Approximately 78 million babies were born in the U.S. between the years 1946 to 1964, resulting in the formation of the largest demographic segment known as the Baby Boomer generation.

While many large marketing organizations have focused on GenXers and others, in 2003 the Boomer market was a 45% bigger market than under age 40 set, and is projected to grow to 60% bigger by 2010. Boomers are wealthier than previous generations and represent over $2 trillion in annual house hold spending.

About’s business philosophy is based on time tested principles; provide high quality bronze sculpture, figurines and water fountains with outstanding artistic values and excellent customer service, at a price our customers are willing to pay. In short, through our bronze sculpture, figurines and water fountains create value and enjoyment for our customers for many years to come.


All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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