A profile of Baby boomers

While the diversity of baby boomers grows increasingly apparent as they age — given an 18-year generational span and they still stand together in some ways, with clearly defined preferences and opinions that distinguish them from other Americans. As detailed ;in « American Demographics » magazine, these generalized characteristics include:


; They are more likely than either younger or older adults to have dependent children at home.


; Despite delayed marriage and high divorce rates, nearly two-thirds are currently married.

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; Baby boomers are already in their peak labor force participation years, and in some cases in their top earning years (which are from ages 45 to 54) as well.


; They are less likely than younger adults to change their marital status through divorce or remarriage, and are less likely to change jobs or move.


; More than six million baby boomers are already grandparents, and that number will probably quadruple during the next 10 years.


; Baby boomers, born after World War II, tend to be much more individualistic.


; They are less happy than other adults with the status quo, and are marked by their skepticism and rejection of authority.


; They are notorious for their willingness to buy on credit and forego saving money.


; Baby boomers have less leisure time than other adults, and claim to feel stressed more often.


; When listing their priorities, baby boomers are more likely than others to focus on education.


; They also are more likely than older or younger adults to own a computer.



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