Base documentaires

Documents sur la Silver Economie

Guide Silver Eco 2017

Silver Economy – Un marché de 92 milliards

La Silver Économie, une opportunité de croissance pour la France

Enquête Carac « Argent et entraide familiale : où en sont les français ?« 

Les cahiers pédagogiques de la CNSA : Conférence des financeurs de la prévention de la perte d’autonomie

Contrat de filière Silver économie de la Silver Economie

Retours d’enquête sur la filière « Silver Économie »

Les marchés de la Silver économie – DGE

Grand-parentalité en Europe

Les séniors français : un segment touristique porteur de croissance – DGE

Financements de la Silver Economie

Les promesses de la silver économie

Les nouveaux enjeux de la famille – ADMR

Enquête nationale Silver Economie – Afnor

The 2015 Ageing Report: Economic and budgetary

The 2015 Ageing Report: Underlying Assumptions

World Population Ageing 2013 – the United Nations

Global Health and Aging – World Health Organization

Global Population Ageing: Peril or Promise?

Global Aging Report: Threats to Longevity

Population Ageing in East and South-East Asia

Global Health and Aging – World Health Organization

Impact of Population Aging on Asia’s Future Growth

World Alzheimer Report 2015

Global AgeWatch Index – HelpAge International

Global AgeWatch Index 2015: Insight report

Global Aging Report: Threats to Longevity

Attitudes About Aging: A Global Perspective

An Aging Nation: The Older Population in the United States

2015 Intergenerational Report

Facing the facts: The truth about ageing and development

An Ageing Australia: Preparing for the Future

Population Ageing & the Voluntary Sector

The Age Gap – Nielsen

Preparing for population ageing

Aging Population Challenges in Africa

Moody’s: Aging will reduce economic growth worldwide

A growing and ageing population – RAND Corporation

Meeting the Housing Needs of an Ageing Population

What’s next in aging Europe – World Bank

Is Japan’s Population Aging Deflationary ?

Aged care and population ageing

Population Aging and Economic Growth in China

Population ageing in Europe – Facts, implications …

What’s next in aging Europe – World Bank

Ageing in the EU – Healthy Ageing

The graying of Europe: How aging European populations …

Rapidly Aging Populations: Russia/Eastern Europe

Ageing in Cities – Policy Highlights – OECD

Étude de l’impact du vieillissement de la population sur l’offre et la demande de biens et de services de consommation

Les seniors, une cible délaissée

The Golden Economy