Baby Boomers or Age Busters?  

Baby Boomers’
claim to fame is that they are so big they can’t be ignored. Anti-Aging
Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey says, “Boomers need a new public relations firm.
Is size all the generation stands for? The previous generation called themselves
‘The Greatest Generation.’ Now that’s great marketing.”

Baby Boomers need to drop the Baby, says Dr. Brickey. Boomers are well out of
diapers and have changed quite a few diapers themselves. Eighteen years is
really more than one generation and earlier and later Boomers had quite
different defining events.

So what most distinguishes the Boomer generation? They have redefined aging.
Boomers made 50 the new 30, etc. It wasn’t rhetoric. Though often overweight,
Boomers tend to look and act twenty years younger than people used to act at
their age. The change has come from their spirit and determination (and with
some help from science, medicine, and cosmetics). The change effected a paradigm
shift in how people age.

So give Boomers the credit they deserve for helping all of us to look and feel
younger. Change their name from Baby Boomers to Age Busters.

Dr. Michael
Brickey (
Ageless Lifestyles Institute
865 College Ave.
Columbus, OH ; 43209
Phone : 614-237-4556
Fax : 614-237-5333

All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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