Baby Boomers Choose Hybrid Coastal Vacations Home Based Business

California based Coastal Vacations Level 3 Director Dean Marino has what many
say is the perfect plan to help baby boomers retire in style. His business
delivers just the right combination of 6 figure income potential, luxurious
complimentary and deeply discounted vacations, free time, and the freedom
boomers crave.

It is a direct sales business, not multi-level marketing. The product is in high
demand and has an extensive track record for quality. Boomers love it because it
does not require personal selling. Learn more about Dean Marino and his Coastal
Vacations Sales Center business at

Marino explained that baby boomers need to get busy when it comes to retirement
planning, but they still want to have fun. Those who don’t just stick their head
in the sand and ignore the situation, will need to get into a hurry up offense
mode for nest egg building.

Baby boomers are that large segment of the population born between 1946 and
1964. Often called the "me" generation because of their desire for instant
gratification, they are barreling full speed ahead toward retirement with one
big difference. Their instant gratification lifestyle got them the new car, the
new home, the new high definition TV when they wanted it, but they have saved a
much smaller percentage of their income than previous generations.

The top level California Director explained that some boomers will retire much
later in life, or cut back their lifestyle, but many are planning to continue
living their robust lifestyle by increasing their income with a home based

"Huge numbers of boomers are looking to start a home based business. The problem
is, most businesses are poorly suited to the baby boomer. Most of these
businesses require personal selling and 95% of the boomers don’t know how to
sell. Most of them don’t want to learn how to sell, but if they move forward,
that is a new skill set for them to master to succeed.

"In addition to selling skills, most boomers have not owned a business before,
and with most businesses that means lots of hats for them to wear. In addition
to the marketing required in any business, they will need to be the salesperson,
follow up expert, new member trainer, product procurement manager, copywriter,
accountant, and webmaster.

"The overwhelming majority who try that route fail for two main reasons (1) They
simply can’t master all the new skills they must learn, or (2) They just don’t
have the time to learn all the new stuff and make it work."

Marino feels his hybrid business with the Coastal Vacations Sales Center allows
boomers to enjoy all the benefits of owning a profitable business without all
the headaches. It meets all the requirements for the ideal home based business
for boomers.

Unlike multi-level marketing (MLM), Marino’s business model allows new
associates to earn profits of $1000 and $3000 their first day. The ability to
earn large commissions quickly and utilize complimentary and deeply discounted
vacations right away appeals to the boomer’s desire for instant gratification.

Over 95% of baby boomers don’t know how to sell, and don’t have the desire to
learn. Marino’s hybrid business model is in direct sales, but requires no
personal selling.

Marino explained that boomers value simplicity. They live in a world of
specialization. The Fed Ex driver does not fly the plane and their podiatrist
did not perform their heart surgery or dentistry.

With the Coastal Vacations Sales Center, boomers get the specialization they are
accustomed to. They are taught specialized knowledge in marketing and
advertising and later help pass that knowledge on to new members.

They are not required to perform presentations, follow up, ask for the money and
close sales. Account executives handle that part of the business for them and
send them a check for each sale completed.

Employees at the Coastal Vacations Sales Center also ship the travel packages to
new members and they also plug those new members into the robust training
website and live training so they can start learning to market effectively.

The hybrid Coastal Vacations business recognizes that boomers are not all the
same and offers amazing flexibility. While many let the account executives do
the telling and selling, others take a more hands on approach. They may talk
with prospects and simply 3-way the call to the full time staff for validation
and to finalize the sale.

The business model recognizes the boomer’s individualistic nature when it comes
to training. A robust website features audio, video, and text training. Members
learn from live, interactive conference calls and live conferences. Marino
provides proprietary tools, and is available to his group members 7 days a week
for individual coaching.

Baby boomers favor longevity and stability over a "ground floor" opportunity
with a start up that may not survive the first six months.

They love that the Coastal Vacations product has roots that go back over 27
years and has existed as a top rated home based business for over 11 years.
Familiar brand names like Disney, Hilton, Marriott, Carnival Cruise Lines, Avis
and Hertz further increase the boomer’s comfort level with the product and

While baby boomers are sophisticated, they value simplicity and understand that
using systems has made life easier. They live in a world of specialization and
like the idea of using it to their advantage.

While most baby boomers know they have to do something to prepare for
retirement, they are most apt to do what they find comfortable and in general,
they don’t want to sell.

Offering a business that gives them a 27 year track record, instant
gratification and an association with familiar brand names is certainly proving
to be a winning combination. For more information about Dean Marino’s hybrid
Coastal Vacations business go to>

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