US: Anti-Aging Products Are Growing Strongly

;Beauty care product formulators (skin, face, body care), raw material
suppliers (specialty chemicals, fragrance manufacturers) and cosmetic retailers
can increase their sales by identifying new market opportunities. Trends, which
first emerge in the professional channel, are adapted for and translated into
the mass market. The author’s reports’ findings point to future developments,
allowing companies to anticipate beauty market changes.

Profitable Trends Identified
Trends emerging from the professional channel are worth US $billions globally to
the personal care/cosmetics market. Getting ahead of consumers’ changing needs
is the difference between getting a premium price or having to compete on price

Some examples of lucrative trends identified:

Hair dyes
The hair colour category was transformed in a few short years. Haircare product
manufacturers lost out as colouring, once associated mainly with greying hair,
became widespread. Colouring had been historically held back by unsatisfactory
products. People feared chemicals used in hair dyes and the resulting damage
caused to their hair (e.g., horror stories of green tinged hair …). A
technically improved product caused demand to explode first in salons and then
in the mass market. Growth was driven by all age (covering grey and fashion) and
social groups, men and women and occurred worldwide.

Colour-related products
The author identified that people with (expensively) salon-coloured hair were
very anxious to prolong their investment and bought colour "add-ons".

Anti-aging products and treatments are now the star products in the professional
beauty channel. Sales of high performance, that is anti-aging, skin care
products and treatments are growing strongly, at approximately 30% a year. The
US market shows highest growth but the EU is also positive. Demand is driven by
ageing baby boomers who want to reduce and/or eliminate wrinkles and by younger
people hoping to prevent signs of ageing. Cosmeceutical (which harness the power
of science) and botanical (plant based) brands, as the latest most innovative
products, command premium prices. The roll-out of these new products will jolt
the mass market. Product formulators, missing this part of the jigsaw, cannot
know what is happening and will not be prepared for the next big boom.

Research and Markets
Laura Wood,

fax: +353 1 4100 980

All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.

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