People give generously to Age Concern collection at Tesco

Concern has raised a spectacular £¼ million in just two days for older people
in the UK. The much-needed cash was collected in Tesco stores thanks to
the sterling efforts of local volunteers and the generosity of the retailer’s

Collections were held
at more than 600 stores and 250 Age Concerns around the UK involving around
8,000 volunteers. The charity’s biggest ever fundraising drive was
made possible as Age Concern is the Tesco Charity of the Year.

All of the money given
will go back into the community where it was donated. It will make a real
difference to the lives of older people, particularly those who feel lonely
or cut-off from family and friends. ; The money will be used to fund
lifeline services such as befriending schemes and lunch clubs, where older
people can socialise with others.

Around 3.5 million
people over 65 in the UK live alone and a shocking 1.9 million live below
the poverty line. Age Concern helps to overcome these problems by providing
services to more than 250,000 older people every week. ;

Tim Mason, Chairman
of the Tesco Charity Trust, said: « What a fantastic result! We are delighted
that Age Concern has raised so much, thanks to the generosity of our customers,
the hard work of our staff and the Age Concern volunteers. »

Gordon Lishman, Director
General, Age Concern England, said: “Our thanks go to everyone who
helped out. We are really impressed with how much money has been raised
in such a short space of time. All the money raised will help us to fund
services that improve older people’s lives on a daily basis.”

The charity hopes
to raise £2million through its Tesco Charity of the Year partnership in
2005. Teams of Tesco employees are raising money for a better future for
many older people in the UK by holding fundraising events throughout the

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