NEW ZEALAND : Elder Care Crisis: NZF only choice for seniors

Elder Care Crisis Highlights Why New Zealand First Is The Only Choice For Change For Seniors

The benign neglect of our seniors by successive Labour and National governments is in effect state sponsored elder abuse and has created the current crisis in elder care, says Rt Hon Winston Peters.

“Only New Zealand First is willing to recognize that the chronic under-funding of this sector must be reversed if we are to provide our seniors with dignity. That is why our seniors’ policy is a centrepiece of our campaign.

“This sector has been under-funded for years, and this Labour government in particular has been extremely neglectful. The token gesture of extra money in this year’s budget barely covers the arrears in back payments for wages and a large portion of it is at the discretion of DHBs as to how it is spent.

“New Zealand First is committed to redressing this crisis which has seen several larger residential care facilities close down (or sold into foreign hands) and continued low wages for those working in this field.

“We support the efforts of Healthcare Providers New Zealand in raising awareness of these issues. We share their concerns and are willing to act to address them,” said Mr Peters.

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