New Technology Helps Seniors Remain in their Homes


A leading safety advocate for seniors will bring his message about using simple technology to enable the elderly to live independently or with reduced caregiving needs to the 28th annual meeting of the Congress of California Seniors (CCS), as part of National Senior Awareness Month, May 25.

Richard Blackwell is the founder of, a web site dedicated to empowering seniors with information about innovations, technology and resources that can enable them to live more securely and safely in their homes.

Blackwell is also the inventor of the NeighborLink™ early alert warning systems that provide no-fee, low-cost protection designed to alert family caregivers, friends and even neighbors in a variety of situations that could otherwise endanger elderly people including accidents or personal attacks. He has also developed an Emergency Medical System alert, and an improved smoke detector that notifies caregivers and others designated by the elderly person or caregiver of a fire even if the senior is not at home or is overcome by smoke.

“These are all examples of how low-cost, user-friendly technology is being applied to help end the isolation that seniors often face,” Blackwell explains. “As the population continues to age, it becomes vital that new ways are developed that will allow seniors to successfully ‘age in place’, rather than be shuttled aside and warehoused in nursing homes.

“It is time for our nation to appreciate the tremendous resource of knowledge, talent, and experience that seniors have to offer. But, for this to happen, it is necessary that they remain in their communities, making contributions that enhance the places where they live. Technology can help make this happen by assisting seniors or their caregivers with improved communications capabilities.”

Blackwell says that by addressing this issue at its annual meeting, the CCS is offering important leadership in addressing issues of an aging population.

“The Congress of California Seniors recognizes the challenges—and the opportunities with all of their resulting benefits—of successful ‘aging in place’, and is addressing the issue of providing a role in which the elderly continue to be an important, contributing segment of our society,” Blackwell says.




All of the above text is a press release provided by the quoted organization. accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.



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