US: Preventive Medicine Targets Baby Boomer Demand for Preventive Care

Preventive Medicine(TM), the new brand name for preventive care company, TriMedix, Inc., better reflects its health services specialization focused on Baby Boomers’ demand for preventive care, according to company president, Christopher Fey.




« Our goal is to be the dominant brand in the category of consumer-driven, physician-integrated preventive medicine. US Preventive Medicine(TM) is more descriptive of our focus in the national marketplace where we plan to place our market exclusive, hospital and physician partnered preventive care centers, The Center for Preventive Medicine(TM), within easy reach of every household in the country in a few years, » Fey said.




« Baby Boomer driven demand for preventive medicine services is a $5 billion market in the U.S. Through our hospital and physician group partnerships we believe our turnkey Centers for Preventive Medicine(TM) system can become the national market leader delivering sophisticated, clinically appropriate preventive care solutions that ultimately will enable consumers to live life better and longer.




« In the process, we plan to create a leadership position in preventive medicine similar to positions other leading companies have created in their respective market segments. The attractiveness of our model is that we utilize the existing assets, resources and personnel of hospitals and physician groups, in combination with our turnkey system, to deliver sophisticated preventive care services creating a great value proposition for consumers, hospitals and physicians.




Everyone wins. Ultimately, through our centers, US Preventive Medicine(TM) could become the premiere nationwide distribution outlet for innovative, clinically appropriate diagnostic technologies and therapies, » Fey said.




The Center for Preventive Medicine(TM) utilizes physician-directed, state-of-the-art (blood, hormone, vascular, ultrasound, CT, MRI and PET) technologies, evaluations and recommendations to detect and prevent disease at the earliest stages where outcomes are optimal and costs usually less. The Center for Preventive Medicine’s nine preventive health packages range from its Cardio Basic at $249 to The Ultimate at $7-8,000. Individual tests, custom packages and employer programs are available. More at




US Preventive Medicine(TM) has licensed The Center for Preventive Medicine(TM) in nine markets with more in discussion. The Company goal is 307 locations in five years creating a national system that could generate substantial revenue through its centers ($1-3 million per center). US Preventive Medicine(TM) receives its revenue through licensing fees, management fees and optional equity participation in individual centers. More at

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