L’AARP et la chaîne de magazine Home Depot signent un accord pour l’embauche de 1700 salariés Seniors. Il s’agit de la plus importante opération de ressources humaines concernant les salariés de plus de 55 ans aux USA. In one of the broadest efforts so far to link the nation’s aging work force with available jobs, AARP and Home Depot Inc. are forming a national hiring partnership, Friday’s Wall Street Journal reported. Under the agreement, AARP will recruit and train workers aged 55 and over to help fill jobs in Home Depot’s 1,700 home-improvement stores across the country. Many retailers, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT), have turned to retirees in an ad hoc way as greeters, baggers and cashiers. But the pact between AARP and Home Depot is the first attempt to target thousands of older workers in the U.S. Home Depot, based in Atlanta, has about 300,000 employees. It plans to add 35, 000 jobs this year, in addition to the 100,000 new workers it expects to need to make up for attrition and promotions. Neither Home Depot nor AARP would estimate how many hires might result from the new partnership. But Home Depot executives said they hope to find workers of all

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